Sr. UX Consultant
& User Researcher

UX for a living, sound for a life

Connect with me!

Photo taken with a Pixel 7a by my collegue Jessica Milbern, and digital edited by Andrés Arará. Sometimes having talented friends is better than any AI.

About Me

When I was a child I wanted to be an inventor like the Disney Comic character Gyro Gearloose. I still keep this spirit running experiments joyfully and testing products and ideas from highly creative companies across the Globe. Throughout my career, I’ve worn many UX hats, but I’m more than a role or discipline.

  • Journalism gave me the skills to connect with people’s live stories.
  • Information Architecture to simplify complexity and make it understandable.
  • Consultancy and teaching  to love knowledge and ask better questions
  • Business management and UX direction to handle uncertainty and manage change.

And beyond my passion for analyzing people’s interactions with things, I love to create music and sounds with my husband and cat, to help people to be present and heal. I’m currently a certified practitioner of vibrational therapies.

Learn more about me on Linkedin



Let’s talk / Hablemos!

Most of the times working in UX hurts. Come to my consultancy space to heal together and find better ways to do your work or resolving a current design or research problem you may have.

Muchas veces trabajar en UX duele. Ven a mi consultorio a sanar juntos, a encontrar mejores formas de hacer tu trabajo o de resolver algún problema actual de diseño o investigación que tengas.

My Experience

years working on the UX field
years fully dedicated to Qualitative UX Research
professionals trained across 5 countries
+ 0 K
startups mentored in early stage
+ 0

My Blog last entries

RSS Stories by Natalia Grant on Medium
  • La soberbia académica y otros males profesionales November 9, 2020
    La semana pasada descubrí con muchísima vergüenza que la supuesta democratización de la educación me aterroriza, sobretodo si viene empaquetada como hamburguesas, y varia su precio si se le añade soda y papas fritas.Es casi ridículo, inadmisible e impensable que esté diciendo esto, pues soy alguien que se considera nativa digital y casi toda mi expertise […]
  • UX is not UI, the slide. October 25, 2018
    Because two images are better than 1000 tweets, I just did this:

North Carolina, USA – 2024

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